319 - Tyler Schulz and Watchful I Studio

Tonight we are joined in the studio by YouTube superstar Tyler Schulz and Joe Krone of Watchful I Studio. We chat about Tyler’s latest hobby project and which was a new Empire of Dust army using Joe’s model range. We then chat about Adepticon and then get all the details about Joe’s upcoming Kickstarter, set to start April 18.

Here’s a couple of YouTube channels to see what Tyler’s been up to.



Here are few ways to catch up with Watchful I Studio




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Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS