320 - Adepticon 2019


Jeremy and Rob head into the Counter Charge studio to chat about their awesome time at Adepticon 2019! They break down the event day by day and give a first hand account of what Adepticon is like for new timers and veterans alike. They breakdown Jeremy’s Clash of Kings experience and close out the show by detailing all the great stuff they brought home!

Adepticon 2019 Clash of Kings Results

Rob’s Adepticon Haul Video

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

319 - Tyler Schulz and Watchful I Studio

Tonight we are joined in the studio by YouTube superstar Tyler Schulz and Joe Krone of Watchful I Studio. We chat about Tyler’s latest hobby project and which was a new Empire of Dust army using Joe’s model range. We then chat about Adepticon and then get all the details about Joe’s upcoming Kickstarter, set to start April 18.

Here’s a couple of YouTube channels to see what Tyler’s been up to.



Here are few ways to catch up with Watchful I Studio




As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

318 - Dot Deployment

Tonight we are excited to share with you a round table discussion with myself, Jeremy, Host of Unplugged Radio Jake and Dan Miner about Dot Deployment. We also opened up the conversation to the community and several of you sent us great audio submissions that we’ve included in the show. Huge thanks to Rick, Kyle, JJ, Michelle and Ashley for sharing their thoughts with us. For even more discussion on Dot Deployment head over to Dash 28 for a great article on the subject written by Joey Greek!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

317 - Adepticon Mantic Open Night 2019!

Recorded LIVE at Adepticon 2019!  This is the Ronnie Renton Q&A session from Mantic Open Night.  Ronnie normally runs 15 minutes or so, but this year he ran about an hour!  The video version will be uploaded to our YouTube channel in parts.  Settle back with your favorite brew and enjoy!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

316 - TNW13 - All Night Long!

On this episode Mark and Jordan are join in the Workshop  by the father of the Nightstalkers Matt Gilbert!  We talk about the origins of the Nightstalkers, the current fluff, review models available for the Nightstalkers, and then Mark and Jordan review some lists for you to bring the Nightstalkers to life on the tabletop.  Settle back with your favorite brew and enjoy!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

315 - Kings of War Community

Tonight were excited to share with you some great conversations recorded at the US masters with members of the Kings of War Community. First we are joined by Ray and Mark Shields to discuss their long and storied background with war gaming. One thing that struck me during our time was how authentically intertwined war gaming is into their lives. Their passion for gaming is ever present. Next we meet William Jones who is a seasoned competitive historical gamer but is a relative newcomer to Kings of War. William was working in the area and decided to drop in and check out the US Masters, and were really glad he did! Finally, we sit down with Aidan Rogers, the preeminent Irish Warhammer Refugee from the Pacific Northeast. if you heard the name before it's likely due to his time on the Dimensional Cascade podcast. These four people all have varying backgrounds and perspectives on war gaming. But one thing they all share is their love for the Game Kings of War!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

314 - Empire of Dust(in) Army Review

Tonight guest host Devlin Smith is joined by Dustin Howard, Nathan Clevenger and Matt Carmack to break down the Empire of Dust army. They build on the review they did back in 2018 and focus on the changes for 2019 in the new Clash of Kings book. So sit back and enjoy what’s become a spectacular annual event.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

313 - US Paragon Shannon Shoemaker

Tonight Jeremy and Rob are joined in the Counter Charge Studio by the freshly minted US Paragon Shannon Shoemaker. Shannon breaks down the event and goes through each game in excellent detail. So sit back and enjoy!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

312 - 2019 US Masters - Sunday

Welcome to our third and final compilation that will share with you some of our great recordings made at the US Masters. We’re sharing them in chronological order to make the narrative easier to follow and provide a better feel as to the Masters experience. Huge thanks to all of our friends that made these recordings possible! Today’s episode features recordings taken from Sunday at the US Masters.

Warscore Final Results

Time Stamps

Mark Cox - 0:00:36

Josh Rosada and Corey Walizer - 0:08:39

Dan Miner and Todd Serpico - 0:24:48

Michael Pearcy and Matt Carmack - 0:35:45

Patrick Allen - 0:53:48

Ryan Smith - 1:03:06

Chris James vs Brad McKay - 1:31:52

Jeremy Duvall and Cyle Pool - 1:42:02

Nathan Clevenger vs Shannon Shoemaker - 01:48:55

Ashley Mowat vs Lance Hatcher - 01:58:55

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

311 - Sunday Conversation with Ronnie Renton

Rob and Dan Miner sit down with the beautiful and sultry Ronnie Renton at the 2019 US Masters. They chat about the US tournament scene, the state of Kings of War, and loads of other topics along the way. Huge thanks to Ronnie for taking the time out from his busy dance schedule to chat with us.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

310 - 2019 US Masters - Saturday

Welcome to our second compilation that will share with you some of our great recordings made at the US Masters. We’re sharing them in chronological order to make the narrative easier to follow and provide a better feel as to the Masters experience. Huge thanks to all of our friends that made these recordings possible! Today’s episode features recordings taken from Saturday at the US Masters.

For loads of pictures and videos from the event please check out the Counter Charge and Dash 28 Facebook pages.

Counter Charge

Dash 28

Time Stamp

Andrew Summers and Dustin Howard - 0:00:36

Ryan Smith - 0:22:19

Brad McKay vs Patrick Justice - 0:39:08

Ashley Mowat vs Adam Ballard - 0:46:42

George O’Connell vs Shannon Shoemaker - 0:58:57

Master Crafted - 1:11:02

Greg Person and Keith Conroy - 1:22:19

Jeremy Duvall - 1:33:20

Dan Miner - 1:34:40

Dan Miner and Kyle Przelenski - 1:48:09

Master Crafted - 1:54:54

Adam Ballard vs Brad McKay - 2:05:11

Josh Rosado vs Mike Austin - 2:11:52

Jeremy Duvall vs Ben Stoddard - 2:20:02

Mark Cox - 2:25:16

Billy Henninger vs Mike Rossi - 2:41:50

Dan Wright vs Brad McKay - 2:47:51

Nathan Clevenger vs Dustin Howard - 2:54:24

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

309 - 2019 US Masters - Friday

Welcome to the first of many compilations that will share with you some of our great recordings made at the US Masters. We’re sharing them in chronological order to make the narrative easier to follow and provide a better feel as to the Masters experience. Huge thanks to all of our friends that made these recordings possible! Today’s episode features recordings taken on the Friday night of the US Masters.

Miner Creations

Dash 28

Counter Charge After Dark

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

308 - 2019 US Masters Brad McKay

Over the many years we have been doing this podcast our ultimate goal was to catch lighting in a bottle. I’m extremely proud and even more humbled to say that we have finally achieved that goal. Please join Patrick Allen, Alex Chavez and Ronnie Renton as they introduce our 2019 US Master, Brad McKay, to the world.


As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

307 - Ogre Army Review

Tonight Rob is joined in the Counter Charge Studio by Jesse Cornwell, Brindley Smith and Tyler Schulz to talk all things Ogres! They break down units, sample builds and share loads of tips for playing the army on the tournament scene!

Here are a few links to groups and pages mentioned within the podcast.

Kings of War Ogres Facebook Page

Kings of War Canada Facebook Page

Paint All the Minis

DreadPathZone YouTube Channel

Master Crafted YouTube Page

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

306 - List Builder Studio with Dan King

Class is in session! Tonight Jeremy and Rob are pleased to be joined by the the Dark Lord himself, Dan King. Dan shares all of his tips and tricks for list construction and being a better player in Kings of War. This is one you definitely don’t want to miss!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

305 - Narrative Workshop - The Fire Down Below!

In this episode Mark and Felix are joined by Tim (Troller) Roller to discuss those fiery Abyssals! We discuss the fluff we have been given so far from Mantic, we go over Tim’s tournament list, and then all three of us do a 500 and 1,000 point list with a twist!

Settle back with your favorite beverage and enjoy!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

304 - Watchful I Studio

Tonight, Rob is joined in the studio by industry veteran Joe Krone of Watchful I Studio. Over the years Joe has held a number of interesting jobs at a several companies you may have heard of in the wargaming industry. However, since 2014 Joe has been developing his own range of historials along with their fantastical counterparts through his company Watchful I Studio. Of most interest to the Kings of War community is Joe’s beautiful range of Terracotta Warriors that would make for a very cool Empire of Dust Army!

Watchful I Studio Website

Watchful I Studio Facebook Page

Watchful I Studio Twitter

For listeners in Europe Watchful I Studios’ products are available from their partner Ainsty Casting!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

303 - Custom Kingdoms Part Deux

Tonight Rob is joined by Dana McDonald of Custom Kingdoms, an excellent purveyor of prepainted resin terrain for your Kings of War tables! If that names sounds familiar then you probably recall that we had Dana on the show WAY back on May 1st 2016. So join Rob and Dana and they wax poetic about terrain, gaming and all things static grass!

Episode 67 - Custom Kingdoms - May 1st, 2016

Custom Kingdoms’s Facebook Page

Custom Kingdoms’ Website

And as an added bonus for those of you actually looking at the show notes here’s a sneak peek of a couple of projects that came up in conversation with Dana!

Sneak Peak

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

302 - Salamander Army Review

Jeremy is back with a collection of Cold Blooded Guys with a brand spanking new Salamander Review! Sit back and enjoy!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

301 - Adepticon Preview

The guys are joined by Community Pat as they share their plans for Adepticon 2019!

Dash 28

Custom Kings Episode from 2016


Evolution Games in Lansing, Michigan

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page or on Twitter @CounterCharge15. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS