277 - Terrain Crate
Tonight Jeremy and Rob share their current hobby projects along with a few interesting bits of news. Next they dive head first into a review of one of Mantic’s latest Kickstarter offerings; Terrain Crate, “the new affordable, plastic, pre-assembled terrain that’s ready straight from the box”. Below are a links to two of the crates currently up on the Mantic website that were mentioned during the show. Head over to our Facebook page to share your thoughts on Terrain Crate and how you are using in your games of Kings of War.
Finally, here’s a few links for a few other items mentioned in the show.
Heroes of Aventuria Kickstarter (HURRY THIS ONE CLOSES ON 9/20/2018)
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As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes. Until next time keep Counter Charging!
Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!
Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias
Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan
Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus
Counter Charge After Dark: cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS