619 - Joe McLaren: the King of Poorhammer Returns

The King of Poorhammer himself, Joe McLaren, has joined us for another chat to tell us what he’s been up to for the last 7+ years!

Joe’s First Counter Charge Appearance

Super Cheap Wargaming Facebook Group

Joe McLaren Illustration

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

618 - Adepticon 2023 - The End

As we wrap up our onsite coverage of Adepticon we’d like to thank all the folks that attended that made the event so awesome! We hope you enjoyed the content as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you. If you’ve made it through all of our coverage we humbly salute your effort!

0:00:30 - Janner Holiday

0:30:31 - Tim Lonas and Marshall Temple

0:48:22 - Jeremy and Rob

1:07:33 - Kris and Tim Game 5 Review

1:17:11 - Keith Randall, Best General

1:21:09 - Travis Timm, Adepticash Champion

1:42:14 - Jeremy and Rob

2:00:08 - Trent and Rob

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

617 - Adepticon 2023 - Adepticlash

We’re back with coverage from Day 4 of Adpeticon 2023 in which we tackle Adepticlash, Deadzone and Mantic Open Night.

0:00:30 - Christian Moisan

0:34:20 - Trent, Jeremy and Rob

0:48:45 - Kyle Ritchey

0:53:39 - Shannon Shoemaker

1:04:13 - Christian, Felix, Tyler and Trent - Deadzone

1:32:36 - Trent, Jeremy and Rob - Day 4 Wrap Up

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

616 - Getting on my Goonhammer

Matt is joined by his favourite Goonies Matt and JP who are writing about Kings of War on gaming site Goonhammer. Find out about the process, how they got into it and how we can support.

Check out the site here: https://www.goonhammer.com/

and their patreon here: http://surl.li/gdygu

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

615 - Community Spotlight @ Adepticon 2023

Counter Charge continues our on-site Adepticon coverage with recordings from Friday March 24, 2023. Today we bring you more fantastic player interviews that we’re sure you are going to enjoy!

Time Stamps

0:00:30 - Temple Brothers

0:30:05 - Matt Hodgman

1:07:04 - Hobie Rupe

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

614 - Adepticon 2023 - Day 3 - Armada and Firefight

Counter Charge continues our on-site Adepticon coverage with recordings from Friday March 24, 2023.

Time Stamps

0:00:30 - Felix & Trent

0:05:11 - Felix & Trent

0:37:07 - Jeremy and Rob

0:42:44 - Trent & Rob

047:30 - Trent, Tyler and Felx

1:02:16 - Jeremy, Felix, Mark, Rob

2:16:24 - Jeremy, Trent and Rob

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

613 - Abyssal Dwarf Army Review

Join Blake Shrode, Bryan Trahan and Kelly Wheaton as they chat about all things Abyssal Dwarfs.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

612 - Adepticon 2023 - Day 2

Counter Charge continues our on-site Adepticon coverage with recordings from Thurs March 23, 2023.

Time Stamps

0:00:59 - Andrew and Alex Sherman

0:28:55 - Marcelo Rouco and Erik Greiner

0:43:24 - Sean Vilmont and Tim Lonas

1:12:00 - Andrew and Alex Sherman

1:24:36 - Andrew Sherman and Mark Z

1:52:51 - Pat Lewis

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

611 - Adepticon 2023 - Day 1

Counter Charge kicks off our on-site Adepticon coverage with recordings from Weds March 22, 2023.

Time Stamps

0:00:30 - Felix Castro and Kyle P

0:30:45 - Jeremy and Rob

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

610 - Dungeon Saga Origins with Ronnie Renton

Ronnie Renton chats with Rob post Adepticon 2023 on Dungeon Saga Origins which hits Kickstarter on March 30th. Ronnie also shares a wealth of information on the other games too. Including the exciting things coming this year for Kings of War and Armada.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

609 - Mantic Open Night Chat with Martin and Kyle

In this episode we catch up with Kyle and Martin after Mantic Open night at Adepticon 2023. Thanks to the guys for spending a little time with us and we hope you enjoy the episode.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

608 - Continuing Down the Pathway to Enlightenment

Let's Roll! In today's show we reconnect with 40k player Andy Patton a week later in his Kings of War journey. He shares his thoughts on his first 4 games and how his list has evolved since the last time we chatted. We also touch on the start of his hobby journey with his first batch of purchases. We’ll check back in with Andy after he’s had a chance to play more games and get paint on his first models.

Counter Charge Discord

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

607 - Road to Adepticon #10

As Jeremy makes his final preparation for Adepticon he catches in with Kyle to check in on his plans for Adepticon!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

606 - Path to Enlightenment

In today’s show Rob is joined by 40k player Andy Patton as he starts his journey into the world of Pannithor.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

605 - UK Master Chris Lynch

Forget Charles, Long Live King Chris" Join Matt as he interviews the new UK Master Chris Lynch, discusses his list and runs through his games from the Masters event

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

604 - UK Pathfinder Program

Rob is joined by Jonny Mann and Michael Longman to chat all about the UK Pathfinder Program.

Mantic Pathfinder Program

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

603 - US Pathfinder Program

Community Pat, Bryan Novak, Jared Fulcher and Mike Rossi join Rob in the studio to chat all about the US Pathfinder Program.

Mantic Pathfinder Program

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Counter Charge Mantic Army Slow Grow Challenge

Counter Charge Mantic Army Slow Grow Challenge

March 1 2023 to December 31 2023 (10 Months)


  • Build a 2300 (or greater!) point Mantic Army

  • Greater than 90% Mantic.  Based on pure model count. So make those regiments and hordes Mantic!

  • Conversions will count if a substantial portion of the model is Mantic

How to Participate

  1. Post updates on our Monthly post on the Counter Charge Facebook Page marked with #ManticSlowGrow. [1 Point]

  2. Each Individual / War Engine completed (painted and based) [1 Point]

  3. Each Monster / Titan completed (painted and based) [2 Points]

  4. Each Troop completed (painted and based) [1 Point MMC / 2 Points-PMC / 3 Points-FMC]

  5. Each Regiment completed (painted and based) [3 Point MMC/ 4 Points-PMC / 5 Points-FMC]

  6. Each Horde completed (painted and based) [5 Point MMC / 6 Points-PMC / 7 Points-FMC]

  7. Each Legion completed (painted and based) [6 Point MMC/ 7 Points-PMC / 8 Points-FMC]

  8. Finish 1000 points by July 15 [5 Points]

  9. Finish 2300 points by Dec 31 [10 Points]


MMC = Anything below PMC.  <75%

PMC = Preferred model count. 75%

FMC = Full model count. 100%

Please refer to the table on Page 12 of the Kings of War Rulebook (2022) for a detailed breakdown of each unit type/size.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

602 - Firefight Update

Jeremy, Kyle, and Tyler are joined by Matt Green of the Fire Fight Rules Committee to talk all things Fire Fight and the new beta updates.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page. If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!