Counter Charge Mantic Army Slow Grow Challenge
March 1 2023 to December 31 2023 (10 Months)
Build a 2300 (or greater!) point Mantic Army
Greater than 90% Mantic. Based on pure model count. So make those regiments and hordes Mantic!
Conversions will count if a substantial portion of the model is Mantic
How to Participate
Post updates on our Monthly post on the Counter Charge Facebook Page marked with #ManticSlowGrow. [1 Point]
Each Individual / War Engine completed (painted and based) [1 Point]
Each Monster / Titan completed (painted and based) [2 Points]
Each Troop completed (painted and based) [1 Point MMC / 2 Points-PMC / 3 Points-FMC]
Each Regiment completed (painted and based) [3 Point MMC/ 4 Points-PMC / 5 Points-FMC]
Each Horde completed (painted and based) [5 Point MMC / 6 Points-PMC / 7 Points-FMC]
Each Legion completed (painted and based) [6 Point MMC/ 7 Points-PMC / 8 Points-FMC]
Finish 1000 points by July 15 [5 Points]
Finish 2300 points by Dec 31 [10 Points]
MMC = Anything below PMC. <75%
PMC = Preferred model count. 75%
FMC = Full model count. 100%
Please refer to the table on Page 12 of the Kings of War Rulebook (2022) for a detailed breakdown of each unit type/size.