280 - Theme Titans with Billy Smith and Josh Rosado

Tonight Rob is joined in the studio by Billy Smith and Josh Rosado as they discuss Nature army themes through the lens of their award winning Nature armies. As a special bonus we are joined by Shannon Shoemaker to answer a question from Joel Lichtenwald about the playstyles of the various armies in Kings of War.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

279 - Vanguard 3 - Rulebook Deep Dive with Matt Gilbert!

Today Mark Zielinski, Jordan Hawthorne, and Jeremy Duvall review the entire Vanguard rulebook with Matt Gilbert!  How does combat work?  How many factions are in the book?  How many scenarios?  Now, how do these dovetail with Kings of War?  Settle back with your favorite brew of choice and enjoy a deep dive into Vanguard!

Vanguard is now up for pre-order.  You can check out what is currently available here:


As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

278 - Vanguard 2 - Kill The Bard!

278 - Vanguard 2 - Kill The Bard!

This is the second episode in our Vanguard pre-release coverage!

In this episode Mark, Jeremy, and Ben are joined by Ronnie Renton!  Ronnie does what Ronnie does best and tell all about Vanguard from his perspective and much more! Settle back with the beverage of your choice and enjoy the show!

Here is the website for the Renegade Open:  http://www.renegadeopen.com/

The Renegade Open is November 17-18, 2018 in Plymouth, Minnesota!

Follow them on Twitter at @TheRenegadeOpen

Please try to make Puck and Jon add more tables!!!


As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

277 - Terrain Crate

Tonight Jeremy and Rob share their current hobby projects along with a few interesting bits of news. Next they dive head first into a review of one of Mantic’s latest Kickstarter offerings; Terrain Crate, “the new affordable, plastic, pre-assembled terrain that’s ready straight from the box”. Below are a links to two of the crates currently up on the Mantic website that were mentioned during the show. Head over to our Facebook page to share your thoughts on Terrain Crate and how you are using in your games of Kings of War.

Battlefield Crate

Dungeon Depths

Finally, here’s a few links for a few other items mentioned in the show.

Heroes of Aventuria Kickstarter (HURRY THIS ONE CLOSES ON 9/20/2018)

Westfalia Miniatures

Red Grass Games Wet Palette

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

276 - Vanguard - Join The Vanguard!

Mark and Jeremy are joined on this episode by Matt Gilbert of Mantic Games.  As well as being the COO of Mantic Games, Matt is also the creative genius and driving force behind the new Vanguard game! 

Join us as we discuss the new Vanguard game, and review the models that are coming our way in the initial release of the game.  Yes, I typed initial.  This is just not the new free fantasy game that comes with cool models.  Vanguard is going to take both Kings of War and itself to new heights of awesomeness!

If you want to see the Vanguard models we discuss during the show, please follow this link to the Vanguard KIckstarter page:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744629938/kings-of-war-vanguard-the-fantasy-skirmish-wargame

Join us in the Vanguard!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

275 - Clash of Storms Recap

The gang is joined by Brian Brodeur and Dan Miner to recap the flagship Kings of War event in the Pacific Northwest Clash of Storms.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

274 - TNW9 - Varangurrrr!

274 - TNW9 - Varangurrrr!

Tonight Mark and Dan are joined in the Workshop by Duncan Waugh and Chris Morris to discuss the Varangurrrr!  Duncan is the author of the short story featuring the Varangur in the Tales of Mantica: Edge of the Abyss anthology.  Chris is the designer of the Varangur army list, and a member of the Kings of War rules committee.

Settle back with your favorite beverage and enjoy our in depth look at the Varangur fluff, some army lists, and some available models for bringing the Varangur to your table top.




As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

273 - TNW8 -The Herd is the Word!

273 - TNW8 -The Herd is the Word!

To day Mark and Jordan Hawthorne are joined by two "Herdologists" Andrew McKinney and Felix Castro.  Andrew is the author of the short story about the Herd in the upcoming Tales of Mantica: Edge of the Abyss anthology.  The Tales of Mantica anthology is currently available in digital format and should be released in actual book form very soon.  Felix Castro has been playing the Herd for quite some time and is involved with the Gathering the Herd Facebook page.  

Join us as we dive into the fluff of the Herd, look at some army lists, and explore models that are available to bring the Herd to life on your tabletop! 

To pre-order Tales of Mantica: Edge of the Abyss in the US:  https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Mantica-Abyss-Brandon-Rospond-ebook/dp/B07F64Q6VG

To pre-order Tales of Mantica: Edge of the Abyss in the UK:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tales-Mantica-Edge-Abyss-Kings/dp/1945430427

The Gathering the Herd Facebook group can be found here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/GatheringoftheHerdLOLStampedeskill/



 As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

272 - The Authors!

Today Mark Zielinski is joined by Mark Barber, Marc DeSantis, and Ben Stoddard (yes, that Ben Stoddard!), the authors of the three upcoming Kings of War novels being published by Winged Hussar Publishing.  We get a chance to meet each of the authors, talk about their past, present, and future projects, and engaged in a little round table discussion.  There is some just awesome stuff coming our way from Winged Hussar! 



 As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

271 - Morning After 3 with Brian Brodeur

The Morning After Three After Dark is over and it’s time for another Morning After! This week Rob, Mark, and Jeremy are joined by the Blazing Eagle of sportsmanship and “Rookie Of The Year” Brian Brodeur! The gang catch up on all things After Dark and talk about hobby desk organization and much more! Buckle up! Rubber bands are optional...


As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

270 - Origins 2018 - KoW and More!

270 - Origins 2018 - KoW and More!

This is the final podcast that was recorded LIVE at Origins 2018.

In this episode Collin joins Mark to start the show.  Mark then speaks with Elizabeth Beckley-Bradford about painting and Miniature Monthly.  Felix Castro joins Mark to review all of the Kings of War action at Origins 2018.  Then Mark is joined by Jonathan Phillips-Bradford to discuss Wander: "The Cult of Barnacle Bay" and a surprise guest stops by.  To wrap things up Mark and Kileigh check out RWBY: Combat Ready.

We hope you enjoy the show!

You can check out Miniature Monthly here:  https://www.patreon.com/miniaturemonthly

You can check out Wander:  "The Cult of Barnacle Bay" here:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1996974421/wander-the-cult-of-barnacle-bay

You can check out RWBY: Combat Ready here:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roosterteeth/rwby-combat-ready



As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

269 - TNW7 - All Hail The Brotherhood!

269 - TNW7 - All Hail The Brotherhood!

Today Mark and Daniel are joined in the Narrative Workshop by Duncan Waugh (the author of the upcoming Kings of War anthology) and Andrew Summers (Brotherhood player extraordinaire) as we take a deep dive into the Brotherhood.  As usual we explore the current  fluff, then we discuss Duncan's upcoming story and thoughts on the Brotherhood, then in the army section  Andrew and Mark take a look at Andrew's tournament list as well as presenting some 500 and 1,000 point Brotherhood lists to get you started playing.  Andrew and Mark also discuss the models you could use to bring your Brotherhood force to life on the tabletop.

This is an action packed episode, and we hope you enjoy! 



As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

268 - Origins 2018 - Lock n Load!

268 - Origins 2018 - Lock n Load!

Today we continue our recorded Live coverage of the 2018 Origins Game Fair that was held in Columbus, Ohio June 13-17, 2018.

In this episode Mark is joined by David Heath the owner and creative genius behind Lock n Load Publishing, and a new friend Marshall Barrington the Commander in Chief of Command Post Games!  We get an update on what's new at Lock n Load Publishing (and that is a lot!), and we catch up with Marshall on the happenings at Command Post Games. 

Lock n Load Publishing produces some of my favorite wargames of  all time, and I look forward to sampling what Command Post Games has to offer. 

You can check out Lock n Load Publishing at:  https://store.lnlpublishing.com/

You can check out Command Post Games at:  http://www.commandpostgames.com/

We hope you enjoy this episode!  



As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS


267 - Origins 2018 - GameFor It!

267 - Origins 2018 - GameFor It!

This is the first in a series of episodes recorded Live at Origins 2018. 

Mark sits down with Adam Loper, Uncle "Atom" of Tabletop Minions fame to discuss a new app that he helped develop to help gamers connect called GameFor!  Of course we talk about Tabletop Minions as well. ;)

You can check out the app at:  iamgamefor.com

Here is a link to the  Medium article explaining the changes to GameFor here:


you can find Tabletop Minions here:  https://www.youtube.com/user/tabletopminions



As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

266 - Bugeater Recap

Tonight we are joined by Kris Kapsner and Adam Ballard to recap the recent Bugeater GT in Omaha, Nebraska and preview the upcoming Lady of the Lake in Duluth, Minnesota. 

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

265 - Cascade Clash

Join Jeremy, The Master of Da Cheese Rashad, Tom, and Ryan as they discuss all things Cascade Clash. Also, the gang will provide a sneak peak into the Clash Of Storms GT coming this August to the Seattle area. West Coast and Pacific Northwest unite!

Pacific Northwest KOW Group Page


West Coast KOW Group Page


As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

264 - TNT Coverage Part 2

Tonight, we bring you the 2nd half of our coverage of Todd's Nashville Tournament.  This was the 2nd year for TNT and it was held May 18th-20th, 2018 in Nashville.  Our show contains a collection of recordings taken at the event with various personalities new and old.  They are presented chronologically and hopefully give you a small taste of what it was like to be at this amazing event.  It was another wonderful time and hopefully you will join us next year at TNT!

Huge thanks to the Perkins family for running a great event and for Tim Smith for building an amazing pair of rings for folks to play in!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

263 - TNT Coverage Part 1

Tonight, we bring you the first half of our coverage of Todd's Nashville Tournament.  This was the 2nd year for TNT and it was held May 18th-20th, 2018 in Nashville.  Our show contains a collection of recordings taken at the event with various personalities new and old.  They are presented chronologically and hopefully give you a small taste of what it was like to be at this amazing event.  It was another wonderful time and hopefully you will join us next year at TNT!

Huge thanks to the Perkins family for running a great event and for Tim Smith for building an amazing pair of rings for folks to play in!

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS

262 - TNW6 - Rhordia Revealed!


Today Mark is joined by Narrative Workshop team members Ben Stoddard and Felix Castro, along with our special guests Seb Reeves and Scott Washburn!  Today we pull back the curtain on The League of Rhordia.  Settle back and enjoy the conversation as we discuss the current fluff, some Rhordia army builds, available Halfling models, and we get a sneak peek at the upcoming Kings of War anthology!  We hope you enjoy the show!

Links to some vendors selling Halfling models:


You can pre-order the upcoming kings of War anthology here:




As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

261 - Formations

Tonight we share a late night recording from the recently held TNT in which Chris and Dan from the Blues City Brawlers join Rob for a discussion on Formations and their impact on the game.  If you want to add to the conversation head over to our facebook page and share your thoughts.

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by heading over to our Facebook Page, on Twitter @CounterCharge15, or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at ManticGames.com.  If you enjoyed the show you can help others find out about it by hitting that subscribe button and leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!

Here are a few more ways to get in touch with us!

Rob Phaneuf: counterchargepodcast@gmail.com and @Retroalias

Mark Zielinski: countercharge2015@aol.com and @aslskfan

Jeremy Duvall: @RealMalevolus

Counter Charge After Dark:  cckowaws@gmail.com and @CCKOWAWS